The ECOAQUA University Institute is dedicated to the promotion of research, innovation and postgraduate training in sustainable aquaculture practices and the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources


The University Institute ECOAQUA aims to contribute to the economic development of the Canary Islands through the generation of knowledge and its transfer to society, allowing new business opportunities to be created in the marine realm.

In particular, the University Institute for Research in Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems coordinates different lines of research for better planning and integrated management of the marine environment, both from the point of view of its natural resources and to promote sustainable development of activities linked to sustainable aquaculture production, to ecotourism and to artisanal fishing from an ecosystemic approach.

In this sense, the actions of the research centre of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria aim to provide scientific support for decision-making and the implementation of European and national guidelines that favour the sustainability of marine and coastal ecosystems.

That is why, as the research activities linked to ECOAQUA have increased, we have structured ourselves into working groups, specifically: GIA, EOMAR, BIOCON, TOTMA and OFYGA, which have their own page on this portal.

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06/11/2024 17/11/2024

In its 20th edition, the event aims to continue the work of bringing the whole of society closer to the science that is carried out in the Canary Islands and the researchers who make it possible. To this end, a series of activities will be carried out that will address various topics such as sustainability, health, energy and the environment, etc. These informative initiatives, aimed at all audiences, are of a dynamic, inclusive and participatory nature.

Date: 6th to 17th November.

Venue: Canary Islands.

Organiser: Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI), Government of the Canary Islands.

Research group: BIOCON.

Researchers and workshops:

Inma Herrera: ‘Sheldon J. Plankton Reveals the World of Marine Food Chains’. 

Candelaria Cecilia and Yaiza Fernández-Palacios: ‘A Puzzle on the Coast: Importance of Marine Spatial Planning for Ocean Conservation’.




The aim of this seminar is to find possible links between ECOAQUA researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Aquatic Resources) in order to carry out future collaborations and create working groups in various fields of the marine environment, such as ecosystem services, spatial planning, ecosystem modelling, marine ecology, among others. This activity is part of the collaboration agreement signed by the two institutions to facilitate the exchange of students and research stays.

Date: 24th October.

Time: 9:00h -11:00h (UTC+1/Canary time) /10:00h - 12:00h (UTC+2/Swedish time).

Mixed format: Online (link) and face-to-face (Hall of Degrees of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the ULPGC).

Organiser: ECOAQUA.

Partner: : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Aquatic Resources).

Research group: BIOCON (Rodrigo Riera, Víctor Cordero and Néstor Bosch)



This event will mark the inauguration of the 13th edition of the Master's Degree in Marine Cultures, directed by ULPGC professor Félix Acosta Arbelo. The highly specialised course offers students an international programme on the principles of aquaculture, the cultivation techniques of the most representative species and the different areas of study that support this activity: nutrition, pathology, genetics, reproduction, engineering, economics and the environment.

Date: 9 October, 11.00hrs.

Venue: Marine Science and Technology Park (Taliarte, Telde).

Organisers: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza.

Research group: GIA.





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The University Institute ECOAQUA is a research centre that belongs to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a public institution that offers a wide range of degrees in all the major areas of knowledge, with the aim of providing comprehensive training to those who come to it, in a commitment based on innovation, quality and internationalisation.



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