The ECOAQUA University Institute is dedicated to the promotion of research, innovation and postgraduate training in sustainable aquaculture practices and the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources


The University Institute ECOAQUA aims to contribute to the economic development of the Canary Islands through the generation of knowledge and its transfer to society, allowing new business opportunities to be created in the marine realm.

In particular, the University Institute for Research in Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems coordinates different lines of research for better planning and integrated management of the marine environment, both from the point of view of its natural resources and to promote sustainable development of activities linked to sustainable aquaculture production, to ecotourism and to artisanal fishing from an ecosystemic approach.

In this sense, the actions of the research centre of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria aim to provide scientific support for decision-making and the implementation of European and national guidelines that favour the sustainability of marine and coastal ecosystems.

That is why, as the research activities linked to ECOAQUA have increased, we have structured ourselves into working groups, specifically: GIA, EOMAR, BIOCON, TOTMA and OFYGA, which have their own page on this portal.

Last news

During this first phase of the campaign, it has been confirmed that the Top T lava flows (Tajogaite, Tagoro and...
The event, organised by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), the Ministry of Science, Innovation and...
The vice-rector of Research and Transfer of the ULPGC, Sebastián López, the president of the SEA, Héctor Pula, and...


10/07/2024 12/07/2024

This congress is an important meeting point for researchers and professionals in the field of marine sciences in Spain and Europe. With the aim of disseminating the latest scientific research, the results and conclusions of studies in this sector will be presented. The event, dedicated to the nautical and marine-maritime sector, aims to promote and boost the Blue Economy.

Date: 10, 11 and 12 July.

Venue: Port of Valencia.

Organisers: University of Alicante, University of Barcelona, University of Cadiz, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Catholic University of Valencia and University of Vigo.

Partners: Valencia City Council, Valencia Provincial Council, Valencia Port Authority, University of Barcelona, Catholic University of Valencia.

Research groups: EOMAR and OFYGA.



27/06/2024 28/06/2024

The aim of this event is to debate the future regulation that the EU is pioneering, and is about to complete. The conference will offer a multifaceted view of the real scope and the main problematic legal issues that this regulation and its specific application may entail.

Date: 27th – 28th June.

Venue: Rectorate of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Researchers taking part: Beatriz Fonticiella, Inmaculada González, Elena Proietti, María José Estrada, Carmen Grau, and José Luis Zamora.

Organisers: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; ACIISI, Regional Ministry of Tourism and Employment and Vice-Ministry of Justice of the Canary Islands; University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Registrars Association of Spain.

Partners: Binter, ULPGC, Gran Canaria Island Council, University of Valencia, University Foundation of Las Palmas.

Research group: TOTMA



27/06/2024 06/08/2024

The oceanographic campaign, carried out in the waters of the Canary archipelago on board the Sarmiento de Gamboa ship, aims to discover the depth of the submarine lava flows of the lava deltas and their ecosystems. This initiative, which will last 40 days, is being performed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from Spain and Portugal. The campaign is part of the Atlantis Project, led by Luis Somoza of the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME-CSIC).

Date: 27th June to 6th August

Venue: Canary Islands.

Organizer: Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME-CSIC)

Research group: BIOCON (Inmaculada Herrera Rivero).


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The University Institute ECOAQUA is a research centre that belongs to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a public institution that offers a wide range of degrees in all the major areas of knowledge, with the aim of providing comprehensive training to those who come to it, in a commitment based on innovation, quality and internationalisation.



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