
06/11/2024 17/11/2024

In its 20th edition, the event aims to continue the work of bringing the whole of society closer to the science that is carried out in the Canary Islands and the researchers who make it possible. To this end, a series of activities will be carried out that will address various topics such as sustainability, health, energy and the environment, etc. These informative initiatives, aimed at all audiences, are of a dynamic, inclusive and participatory nature.

Date: 6th to 17th November.

Venue: Canary Islands.

Organiser: Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI), Government of the Canary Islands.

Research group: BIOCON.

Researchers and workshops:

Inma Herrera: ‘Sheldon J. Plankton Reveals the World of Marine Food Chains’. 

Candelaria Cecilia and Yaiza Fernández-Palacios: ‘A Puzzle on the Coast: Importance of Marine Spatial Planning for Ocean Conservation’.




The aim of this seminar is to find possible links between ECOAQUA researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Aquatic Resources) in order to carry out future collaborations and create working groups in various fields of the marine environment, such as ecosystem services, spatial planning, ecosystem modelling, marine ecology, among others. This activity is part of the collaboration agreement signed by the two institutions to facilitate the exchange of students and research stays.

Date: 24th October.

Time: 9:00h -11:00h (UTC+1/Canary time) /10:00h - 12:00h (UTC+2/Swedish time).

Mixed format: Online (link) and face-to-face (Hall of Degrees of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the ULPGC).

Organiser: ECOAQUA.

Partner: : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Aquatic Resources).

Research group: BIOCON (Rodrigo Riera, Víctor Cordero and Néstor Bosch)



This event will mark the inauguration of the 13th edition of the Master's Degree in Marine Cultures, directed by ULPGC professor Félix Acosta Arbelo. The highly specialised course offers students an international programme on the principles of aquaculture, the cultivation techniques of the most representative species and the different areas of study that support this activity: nutrition, pathology, genetics, reproduction, engineering, economics and the environment.

Date: 9 October, 11.00hrs.

Venue: Marine Science and Technology Park (Taliarte, Telde).

Organisers: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza.

Research group: GIA.




06/10/2024 11/10/2024

This congress is an important meeting point for the science of optics and research and its applications in relation to the aquatic environment, ranging from biogeochemistry, environmental management and its applications, instruments, techniques and observation systems, remote sensing, phytoplankton ecology, radiative transfer and optical theory to global change and benthic processes.

Date: 6th to 11th October.

Venue: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Conference Centre of the Canary Islands).

Partners: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES), the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Operational Satellite Agency for Monitoring Weather (EUMETSAT), Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences (LOG), Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO), Ocean Motion Technologies, Office of Naval Research, Sequoia Scientific, Economic Promotion Agency of Gran Canaria (SPEGC) and the Canarian Science and Technology Park Foundation (FCPCT) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).

Participating research groups: BIOCON (Antonio Juan González Ramos and Alejandro García Mendoza) and OFYGA (Marina Gutiérrez-García and Alex Urbaneja).



22/09/2024 27/09/2024 

The campaign to be carried out on the Galician coast aims to measure both the genetic diversity and the health of European syngnathid populations, combining data from visual censuses (population densities, morphology, etc.) and population genomics. This initiative, which involves members of the HippoDec project, will try to obtain a detailed picture of the status of these species in Europe.

Date: 22nd to 27th September.

Venue: Galicia.

Organiser: ECOAQUA.

Partner: HippoDec project.

Research group: BIOCON (Airam Guerra and Ana Espino).

26/09/2024 27/09/2024

Macaronight is a European project within the European Researchers' Night. Its aim is to bring Macaronesian researchers closer to the public, especially young people, so that they can learn about their work, the benefits they bring to society and their impact on everyday life.

Date: 26th and 27th September.

Venue: Elder Museum of Science and Technology. (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).

Organiser: Big Van.

Partners: Elder Museum of Science and Technology and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council.

Research group: BIOCON (Inma Herrera with ‘Plankton: Discover, learn and protect our environment’).




The researcher Rodrigo Riera, from the BIOCON group of the ECOAQUA Institute, will give the keynote speech ‘Rising temperatures and decline of fisheries: Consequences of crossing the tipping point in a small pelagic fishery’ on the celebration of the XX National Seminar on Marine Sciences and Technologies - SENALMAR - at the University of Magdalena (Colombia), in collaboration with the ULPGC.

Date: 13th September.

Time: 14.30hrs.

Venue: University of Magdalena (Colombia).

Research group: BIOCON (Rodrigo Riera).


09/09/2024 10/09/2024

The researcher Rodrigo Riera, from the BIOCON group of the ECOAQUA institute, leads the course ‘Coastal Marine Ecology: from populations to ecosystems’ at the University of Magdalena (Colombia), in collaboration with the ULPGC.

Event: National Seminar on Marine Sciences and Technologies (SENALMAR)

Dates: 9 and 10 September

Time: 9-12 pm / 2-4 pm (6 hours more in the Canary Islands)

Venue: Universidad del Magdalena (Santa Marta)

Research group: BIOCON


10/07/2024 12/07/2024

This congress is an important meeting point for researchers and professionals in the field of marine sciences in Spain and Europe. With the aim of disseminating the latest scientific research, the results and conclusions of studies in this sector will be presented. The event, dedicated to the nautical and marine-maritime sector, aims to promote and boost the Blue Economy.

Date: 10, 11 and 12 July.

Venue: Port of Valencia.

Organisers: University of Alicante, University of Barcelona, University of Cadiz, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Catholic University of Valencia and University of Vigo.

Partners: Valencia City Council, Valencia Provincial Council, Valencia Port Authority, University of Barcelona, Catholic University of Valencia.

Research groups: EOMAR and OFYGA.



27/06/2024 28/06/2024

The aim of this event is to debate the future regulation that the EU is pioneering, and is about to complete. The conference will offer a multifaceted view of the real scope and the main problematic legal issues that this regulation and its specific application may entail.

Date: 27th – 28th June.

Venue: Rectorate of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Researchers taking part: Beatriz Fonticiella, Inmaculada González, Elena Proietti, María José Estrada, Carmen Grau, and José Luis Zamora.

Organisers: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; ACIISI, Regional Ministry of Tourism and Employment and Vice-Ministry of Justice of the Canary Islands; University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Registrars Association of Spain.

Partners: Binter, ULPGC, Gran Canaria Island Council, University of Valencia, University Foundation of Las Palmas.

Research group: TOTMA



27/06/2024 06/08/2024

The oceanographic campaign, carried out in the waters of the Canary archipelago on board the Sarmiento de Gamboa ship, aims to discover the depth of the submarine lava flows of the lava deltas and their ecosystems. This initiative, which will last 40 days, is being performed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from Spain and Portugal. The campaign is part of the Atlantis Project, led by Luis Somoza of the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME-CSIC).

Date: 27th June to 6th August

Venue: Canary Islands.

Organizer: Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME-CSIC)

Research group: BIOCON (Inmaculada Herrera Rivero).


Date and time: 28th June, 12h.

Venue: Multipurpose Hall - Marine Science and Technology Park (PCTM) of the ULPGC.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Chris Reason, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Organizer: ECOAQUA.

Research group: OFYGA.

FREE ENTRANCE until full capacity.

17/06/2024 20/06/2024

Date: Monday, June 17th - Thursday, June 20th

Place of celebration: Alfredo Kraus Auditorium of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Gran Canaria, Spain).

Organizers: Spanish Aquaculture Society (SEA) and the University Institute of Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems (ECOAQUA)

Research group: GIA




07/06/2024 09/06/2024

This event, dedicated to the nautical and marine-maritime sector, aims to promote and boost the Blue Economy. The fair's activities include the dissemination of scientific knowledge about the marine-maritime environment.

Date: 7th, 8th and 9th June.

Venue: Sanapú Quay, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Organisers: INFECAR and Ciudad de Mar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council.

Partners:  Gran Canaria Island Council, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council, Las Palmas Port Authority.

Research groups: EOMAR, TOTMA, OFYGA and BIOCON.



20/05/2024 25/05/2024

Coinciding with the International Africa Day (May 25th) and the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the institution organise the first congress Bridge to Africa, to constitute a global knowledge platform with the African continent, with Casa Africa as a partner.

Dates: Monday, May 20 - Friday, May 25

Place of celebration: Rectorado de la ULPGC (Calle Juan de Quesada, 30)

Researchers involved: Ricardo Haroun (BIOCON), Gercende Courtois de Viçose, Félix Acosta, Lidia Robaina y Marisol Izquierdo (GIA), de ECOAQUA.

Research Groups: BIOCON and GIA




The aim of this event is to bring science closer to students and give them the opportunity to learn first-hand about the research being carried out in the Canary Islands, presented by researchers from the ULPGC.

Date: 17th May.

Venue: Complejo Deportivo Antonio García en Breña Alta, La Palma.


Raibel Núñez González will present the activity ‘Sea Urchins as Allies in the Protection of our Oceans’.

Inma Herrera will present the activity ‘Exploring the Marine World with Sheldon J. Plankton: Discover, Learn and Protect our Environment’.

Organiser: Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society of the Canary Islands Government (ACIISI).

Partners: Fundación Parque Científico Tecnológico de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (FPCT-ULPGC).

Research group: BIOCON


Dr. Alicia Herrera Ulibarri participates in the Scientific Papers Reading Club of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) with the topic 'Alegranza: an observatory of marine litter'.

Date and time: Tuesday, 14 May 2024, at 15:00 hours.

Organised by: Students of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the ULPGC.

Place: Sala de Grado de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar de la ULPGC (Tafira Campus)

Research group: EOMAR



This free workshop is aimed at the aquaculture sector, focusing on the problem of the generation of marine litter and on proposing tools, solutions and alternatives that are useful and applicable for people working in the sector.

Date: 9 May 2024 at 16:00h.

Venue: Sala de Piedra, Institutional Headquarters of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Organised by: Directorate General for the Coast and the Sea of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD).

Confirmation of attendance:

Date: 24 April 2024

Venue: Rectorate of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Calle Juan de Quesada, 30
Room 26 April.

Organisers: ULPGC and the Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y de Bienes
through the "Cátedra Extraordinaria de Derecho Registral" (Extraordinary Chair of Registry Law).

Research group: TOTMA



The aim of this event is to bring science closer to students and give them the opportunity to learn first-hand about the research being carried out in the Canary Islands, presented by researchers from the ULPGC.

Date: 24th April.

Venue: Palacio de Formación y Congresos de Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura.

Researcher: Néstor E. Bosch Guerra, who will present his activity ‘From Chaos to Opportunity: Learning from the Eruption of the Tajogaite Volcano on La Palma to protect our Marine Ecosystems’.

Organiser: Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society of the Canary Islands Government (ACIISI).

Partners: Fundación Parque Científico Tecnológico de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (FPCT-ULPGC).

Research group: BIOCON.



Date: Lunes, 8 de abril

Registration deadline: Jueves, 4 de abril

Time: 16:00 h

Place of celebration: Aula de Grado de Ciencias del Mar. Edificio de Ciencias Básicas de la ULPGC

Organizer: Dirección General de la Costa y el Mar del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD)

Research Group: BIOCON


17/03/2024 22/03/2024

Dates: March 17th 2024 - March 22nd 2024

Place of celebration: Grand Chancellor Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania (Australia)

Organizers: University of Tasmania

Research group: BIOCON, EOMAR

Researchers: BIOCON: Inma Herrera / EOMAR: Rodrigo Almeda, Anna Cunnil, Antonio Paule Manzano


BIOCON: Session 18: Zooplankton production in the Anthropocene - Day: 18 de marzo de 2024.

13:45h: Inma Herrera participates with the paper: "Zooplankton community in the newly lava deltas in the Atlantic Ocean".

EOMAR: Session 2: Ecotoxicidad a través de los lixiviados dell plástico. Día: 21 de marzo de 2024 / Hora: 10:10 y 12:00 h / Intervienen:

10:00h:  Rodrigo Almeda participates with the presentations "Crude oil induces metamorphosis in marine invertebrate planktonic larvae" and "Impact of plastic additive leachates on zooplankton" // Anna Cunil participates with the paper ""Toxicity assessment of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) on marine zooplankton".

11:00h:  Antonio Paule Manzano participates with the paper "Searching for environmentally safer plastic additives using zooplankton as bioindicators"




Time and date: Wednesday, February 14th at 12:30 a.m.

Place of celebration: Faculty of Marine Sciences of the ULPGC, Las Palmas

Organizer: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Researcher: May Gómez

Research group: EOMAR



Time and date: Friday, February 29th: 11:00 to 12:00 and 19:00 to 20:00

Access: Online

Organizer: Groningen University

Research group: BIOCON




Time and date: Thursday, February 22nd : 17:00 to 19:00

Place of celebration: Undergraduate Hall, Basic Sciences Building, ULPGC + Online

Organizer: José Juan Castro Hernández

Research group: BIOCON



Time and date: Wednesday, January 31st at 17:30 

Place of celebration: El Fondeadero Civic Center of Puerto del Carmen, Tías, Lanzarote

Organizer: Jose Juan Castro Hernández

Research group: BIOCON



Date and time: Tuesday, December 12th: 9:00 to 16:30

Place of celebration: Auditorium of the institutional headquarters of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (c/ Juan de Quesada, 30 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).  

Organizer: University Institute ECOAQUA of the ULPGC

Research group: BIOCON

Free access to the auditorium. Those who wish to attend online can do it through this link:

In the following link you will find the information of connection to Zoom: WAICOM-GuiaRapida-Zoom-ULPGC-ES_v2




Date and time: Saturday, December 2nd: 10:00 to 14:15 

Place of celebration: Reception and pick-up point - Telde Municipal Market / Celebration in Taliarte and Melenara

Organizer: ULPGC and ACIISI, event included within the ISLANDAP ADVANCED project

Research group: GIA

Researcher: Dra. Lidia Robaina

Entrance to the event is free of charge




Date: November 30th

Schedule: 08:45 - 16:00

Place of celebration: GIA ECOAQUA Facilities, Carretera de Tailarte, S/N, Telde, Gran Canaria

Organizer: ECOAQUA Institute (by delegation of the SEA)

Research group: GIA



27/11/2023  01/12/2023

Dates and time: Monday, November 27th: 8:30 to 18:00 - Friday, December 1st: 9:00 to 17:30

Access: Online

Organizers: Juan Manuel Afonso, Marisol Izquierdo and Nieves González with the University of las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Manuel Rey Méndez with the University of Santiago de Compostela, Marcos de Donato Técnológico from Monterrey, Guillermo Morán with TUNACONS, Edgar Zapata and César Lodeiros with the Technical University of Manabí, José Alió with the Eloy Alfaro Lay University from Manabí and Paul Baltazar with the Scientific University of the South, Peru

Research group: GIA, BIOCON

Researchers: Francisco J. Otero Ferrer (BIOCON), Lidia Robaina (GIA), Daniel Montero Vitores (GIA), Juan Manuel Afonso (GIA) and Ricardo J. Haroun Tabraue (BIOCON)

Sessions "Aquaculture and biodiversity", "Circular Economy and sustainable strategy" and "Nutrition"




Time: Wednesday, November 29th at 19:00 

Place of celebration: Archivo municipal, Avda. vargas, Arrecife

Organizer:  Lanzarote, Biosphere Reserve

Research group: EOMAR

Researcher: Emilio Soler Onís

Presentation: "Lanzarote's Microbiosphere and Climate Change"



Time: Thursday, November 9th: 15:45 to 16:45

Place of celebration: University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, New York (EEUU)

Organizer: Department of Environmental Biology

Research group: BIOCON

Researcher: Rodrigo Riera Elena

Presentation: “Unpacking Pandora’s Box: Fragmentation, Edges, and Mosaic Landscapes”



Time: Wednesday, Novermber 8th: 9:15 to 13:00

Place of celebration: Rimini Expo Center, Agorà Blue Economy B6 Pav

Organizer: Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee & European Commission -DG MARE, CNR-IUAV-CORILA

Research group: BIOCON

Researcher: Andrej Abramic

Presentation: "Planning the Marine Space for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean"



30/10/2023  03/11/2023

Time: Monday, Octuber 30th: 9:00 to 17:00 - Friday, November 3rd: 9:00 to 17:00

Place of celebration: Instituto EcoAqua, Parque Cientifico Tecnologico Marino de Taliarte, carretera de Taliarte s/n, 35214, Las Palmas.

Organizer: Highland Statistics

Research group: BIOCON



Time: Thursday, October 26th: 9:30 to 11:30

Place of celebration: Aula Magna "Blas Cabrera Felipe", Faculty of Sciences, University of La Laguna, Anchieta Campus, San Cristóbal de La Laguna

Organizer: IMPLAMAC

Research group: EOMAR




The University Institute ECOAQUA is a research centre that belongs to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a public institution that offers a wide range of degrees in all the major areas of knowledge, with the aim of providing comprehensive training to those who come to it, in a commitment based on innovation, quality and internationalisation.