AE- FishBIT (Fish activity monitoring system)

Name: AE-FishBIT

Patent No: EP19776863.3

Registered intellectual property title: Fish activity monitoring system

Qualities description: It is an electronic device that can be placed in the operculum of marine fish of 50 grams or more, which allows tracking their physical and respiratory activity for about three months.

Inventors/authors: Juan Antonio Montiel; Carlos Javier Sosa; Juan Manuel Afonso; Miguel Angel Ferrer; Enric Cabruja; Manuel Lozano; Josep Calduch; Jaume Pérez Sánchez.

Rights holder entity: CSIC and IU-ECOAQUA from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

IU-ECOAQUA research group involved: GIA

Country of registration: Spain

Date of registration: 12/2017

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